The New KLA Campus in Ann Arbor!

Over the last two years, California-based global capital equipment company KLA, has been actively growing its second U.S. headquarters in Ann Arbor, MI. Currently, KLA is operating out of a 58,000 square foot temporary office space. The new 230,000 square foot KLA headquarters and parking structure, both of which are […]

Parking Garage Amenities!

It is all about the experience. As parking designers, we strive to make the parking experience positive and a seamless process in the parker’s journey to their destination. To create this positive experience, we use state of the art parking technologies, enhanced lighting, circulation that is intuitive along with clear […]

The Covid Effect

The pandemic has brought about many changes that will be permanent, particularly when it comes to urban planning and parking planning. This is particularly true of the changes brought by lockdowns that many communities experienced last spring—and in some cases continue to experience—which have accelerated an already active trend of […]

The Bagley Parking Hub Design is Complete!

Rich & Associates, the world’s oldest firm dedicated solely to parking design, planning, and management, announced today that it led the multi-discipline team that designed Ford Motor Company’s new Bagley Parking Hub. Rich & Associates designed the structure and is providing ongoing parking engineering consultation through the construction process. With […]