It is all about the experience. As parking designers, we strive to make the parking experience positive and a seamless process in the parker’s journey to their destination. To create this positive experience, we use state of the art parking technologies, enhanced lighting, circulation that is intuitive along with clear and concise wayfinding.
In recent years we have been working with our clients to elevate the parker’s experience by including enhanced amenities that provide a value-added service to their customers. These amenities and many more can be included as part of new construction and upgrades to existing facilities. Such amenities include:
- Car washing areas
- Tire inflation stations
- EV Charging
- Micro-mobility centers
- Enhanced graphics
- WiFi
One example is the award winning ‘Z’ Deck. Rich & Associates played a crucial role in the design of the ‘Z’ Deck on Library Street in Detroit. In addition to parking for 1,275 cars and 33,000 square feet of ground level retail space, the ‘Z’ includes several user amenities such as free tire inflation service, window washing stations, complimentary EV charging stations and special reserved parking for persons who would benefit from a little more convenience. The ‘Z’ also serves as an art gallery, with 130 paintings located throughout the facility created by 27 international and local artists.
The ‘Z’ was a successful collaboration with Neumann Smith Architecture (prime architects) and Bedrock Detroit (owner). Over the past 15 years Rich & Associates has collaborated with Neumann Smith Architecture on the design of 10 parking structure projects across the country.